Thursday, March 20, 2008

This week on American Idol


In a surprise elimination I think very few saw coming, Amanda Overmeyer was ousted last night. While I'm glad she's gone, I would have much rather seen Kristy Lee Eyebrows or Ramin Noodle Malubay sent packing. I think of it this way: If I were to pay money to see the American Idol concert, who would I most like to hear sing for 2 hours of my life? I'd much rather see Amanda than either one of those other girls. Her awkwardness during the group song and dance numbers is too funny not to want to see in person. But alas, we can't have more than one person eliminated from now on, so I knew there'd be someone I didn't care for on the tour.


Haley said...

Okay, so I read this. Which I was really trying to hold out until I got home and could watch it for myself. Especially after the text I got last night from a friend, asking if I'd seen it. That made me REALLY fearful that it was one of my two faves Jason Castro or Brooke that got the boot.

ALAS, how happy am I that Cigarettes and Whiskey is gone? Very happy, indeed.

molly said...

haha.. cigarettes and whiskey. what a great nickname. Sorry I spoiled it for you, but I'm glad it made you happy.

I really can't decide about Brooke. She almost won me over last week with Let It Be, but this week?! She spazzed out on my favorite Beatles song of all time and I don't know if I can forgive her for that.. yet. Plus, she needs to stop talking to the judges when they're critiquing her.

Enough about her.

I LOOOOOOOVVVEE Castro, though! That we can agree on.

Marissa said...

Cigarettes and Whiskey - love that. I like Brooke a lot, too. She just needs to be strapped down to a guitar, piano, or a stool and sing - movement not allowed.

Ramin Noodle Malaby - hilarious. Molls, you should totally write for eonline or