Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Meatless Ways

I've become a vegetarian! For the past 10 days I've been seeing how things go without eating meat. Surprisingly, it's gone really well. I still eat fish, which may seem like cheating to some, but I'm okay with that.

This is really exciting for me. For anyone who knows me well (or even a little) you know I don't eat just anything. I'm picky. I like 2, maybe 3 vegetables and usually everything I put on my plate is yellow. Purely coincidence! So the first thing people ask me when I tell them about my new experiment is "What do you eat?" Jokes on them, because I actually have an answer! I've become a fan of meatless soy products! It sounds horrible disgusting, but it's actually good. And for me to say that, well, it must be good or I'm a little crazy.

The second question I get asked is "Why are you doing this? Moral or Health reasons?" I guess I'd have to say both. I know I eat way too much red meat and if I decided to "cut down" on red meat we all know that would never happen. So I wanted to see how I would do if I cut out all meat. I must say I do feel better. I can't really pinpoint how, but it's true.
It's also a little moral issue as well. I had been thinking about it for a while, but then I stumbled upon this website thanks to a daily email I get from I have to say it's not an easy video to watch. I was affected to say the least.

I'm still torn with the morality of it all. I do think that animals were put on the earth to eat. It's all part of the food chain. But like most people I can't agree with the treatment of the animals. i'm not going to get all weird and preachy, but they do have feelings and I doubt they enjoy half the things that get done to them. I wonder what they'd say to us if they could talk. That I'd like to hear.


emily said...

DO IT FOR THE COWS!!!! we all know I tried to support them...

well done Molls! Keep up the good work!

molly said...

thanks, man! i appreciate that.

Marissa said...

Way to go! I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the video yet, but in your honor I had veggie pizza for lunch yesterday. :)
Your blog title reminds me of "Crazy" by Aerosmith...."Baby, you've got to change your crazy (or meatless) ways!" Ha. Random. Bye!
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