Friday, August 28, 2009

Project Runway: Getting rid of the Crazies ALREADY?!

Man, oh man. Who's going to entertain us for the rest of this season of Project Runway? For the second week in a row, the Loony Bin has come to pick up what's rightfully theirs. Oh, Malvin. You seem like such a tortured soul without even trying.. maybe. I guess it's true though; you ARE too conceptual for America. Where are you from again? New York, right? Ok. Malvin, find me a pregnant woman who's about to burst who actually wants to wear an outfit inspired a chicken and an egg and I'll take your place in the Loony Bin myself.

In all, this was one of my least favorite challenges in the history of Project Runway. It was entertaining for sure, but just a little awkward as well. Seeing these stick-thin models with ENORMOUS bellies be-bopping down the runway was pretty hilarious. Though most of the designs were good, I can't for the life of me understand how Epperson was safe. His jacket was fine; a bit oddly shaped, but when the model took it off.. HI-Ooooooh! That was a serious fake belly she had on. (I really wish I could find a picture of it to post. I tried really hard. There are just some things a slow computer won't let me do.) That with the shiny WHITE (!) fabric was too much for me. Call me crazy, but I don't think many hugely pregnant women would want to walk around head to toe in white.

As for Mitchell. I was reeeeally hoping he would redeem himself after last week's catastrophe. I really liked the smocking situation going on last week and would have liked to see where it was heading. But that's beside the point. He smocked a collar and made it into a moo-moo and I'm kind of surprised he didn't get auf'd. But thank goodness he was back or we wouldn't get to see his attempt at making some GIANT pleated shorts. Ok. Like the judges, I really liked the idea of this one too. The top and sweater thing were cute (I didn't think the top was too tight, Nina!), but the shorts. Please. Why didn't he just make a skirt? That's what they looked like anyway and wouldn't a skirt be easier, too? I'm no expert, but..

One more thing that bothered me: come on Ra'mon, do you really need to quote past winners? Is that really going to make you more likable? Do you think it will take the attention off your poorly constructed bowling ball bag dress? No. So please stop quoting Christian (He did it twice with a "hot mess" and "fierce!"). And we all know you've more than likely watched seasons past of Project Runway, so no need to name drop past contestants (Stella and her love of all things "leathah"). Really.

Now to the good parts! I liked all of the top 3 designs. The lacework on Louise's dress was so pretty, but I wish the dress itself had been just a smidge longer. Althea (I always think of one of the best episodes of Friends EVER when I hear her name. The 2:10 mark. "Nice shooting!") scored points with me for making a long one. I like long dresses. That's that. But Shirin was clearly the winner from the beginning. Her draping reminded me of Rami (love him!) And the jacket! So pretty. Well played, Shrin. Well played.

Lastly, I just have to say that at the 28 minute mark there is a pillow from Pottery Barn on the bed behind Mitchell. I love spotting things like that. That's one main reason I still watch Desperate Housewives. I think they buy most of their props from PB. So thank you, Project Runway and Desperate Housewives for keeping Pottery Barn in business!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

The top three were really the only ones that really were good - at least that's what I thought. This challenge was bizarro. (and love that those twins she was carrying are now 7 months!) I love your episode comments and recap. So fun!!